Friday, July 6, 2012

Shepherds Pie in My New Kitchen

 Finished shepherds pie, made in my new cast iron dutch oven

 Always be sure to check inside the oven before you pre-heat. This used to be a spatula 

My parents and Shane sharing our first meal in our new apartment 

 On Father's day Shane and I invited our parents over to celebrate. Like you saw in the picture above, I melted a spatula. I try to be real and honest about my mistakes on this blog and this is one of the most foolish I have made so far. Shane had a leftover cookie cake and spatula in the oven, which he told me was there but I had obviously forgotten. Needless to say, we are one spatula short. Fortunately the shepherds pie turned out flavorful and delicious. I found the recipe in my new Dutch Oven Cookbook by Sharon Kramis and Julie Kramis Hearne. Let me know if anyone wants it. It is relatively labor intensive but worth the results!  Later that night Al, Tammy and Sindy joined us and we all looked at our wedding pictures together. It was a great night.


  1. The Shepherd's Pie was delicious - and what a treat! Your new little apartment looks so nice and cozy - your first "real" kitchen!! But the picture of that spatula looks like a slug I encountered on a trail this weekend on Mt. Rainier....

  2. Thanks:) I'm glad you liked it. I am LOVING my new kitchen
