Thursday, August 25, 2011

Garden Fresh Breakfast

Scrambled eggs with tomato, basil and onion with a side of toast covered in blackberry jam

Fresh tomato and basil from our garden

It's my day off, so I woke up without an alarm at about 9:30am, watered the garden, did a 20 minute workout and then showered and got ready for the day. I realized after all of this that I was hungry, but it was already nearly lunch time. I remembered seeing a ripe tomato and fresh basil in the garden and wanted to use it. So I made an egg dish with these two garden fresh ingredients, plus some chopped onion, sea salt and pepper. It was delicious. The basil was incredibly fragrant, I can still taste it so keep in mind that a little goes a long way. While the eggs were cooking on medium heat, I put a slice of Dave's Killer bread in the toaster and topped it with butter and homemade blackberry jelly. I wish the whole meal could have been farm fresh, with eggs from the Sibold's chickens, and cheese and butter from a cow, but I did what I could in my "suburb-ian" lifestyle. Until next time, keep eating :)

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