Cooking the steak and red and orange peppers with taco seasoning
the "innards"

Steak Fajitas with avocado, tomato, cheddar cheese and sour cream
My dad made dinner tonight. He made ribs and mashed potatoes since my mom wasn't home. I looked at the ribs and thought that it was the quintessential "man meal." I crave color, texture and taste in my meals, and most men are completely satisfied with meat and potatoes. So I looked in the fridge to see what I could do, using the steak he had already made. I found half an avocado, cheese, red and orange peppers, tortillas and sour cream. The perfect ingredients for a fajita. I chopped up the steak and put it in a sizzling hot pan with taco seasoning and the peppers. Occasionally I would splash some water on it so the flavors would combine nicely together. While the meat was cooking I chopped the avocado and tomato and grated the cheese. Once all of this was done I assembled them, topping them with sour cream. For the side dish I used the left over tomatoes and avocado topped with the rest of the cheese for a veggie salad. It was delicious. The only down side was that I only needed to make it for me so I didn't get to share it, and half the fun in cooking is making food for other people. I am really looking forward to being married so I can make food for Shane and at times entertain for our friends and have them over for dinner. So if you want to try anything from this blog, let me know. We would love to have you over. :)